50% off Sale on my eBooks to Celebrate my 50th Birthday!

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Pet Rocks

I can't believe I'm going to be 50 this month!

And thanks to GAPS and feeling so much better, I am having a birthday party! I have always loved disco and so that is the theme I chose. I'm also serving mostly foods from the full GAPS list, except for one little exception… I'm going to include corn tortilla chips to go along with the guacamole and hot sauce that a friend is making for me and I won't be eating the corn chips myself.

Here's the menu:

I think that will be good. People probably won't even realize there is no bread, crackers or potato chips.

Matthew and I are dressing up like the characters from Saturday Night Fever. I bought Matthew a costume that is a white suit with a black undershirt. I've had to alter it quite a bit because the pants were too small but I've almost got the alterations done.

My cake is HUGE!! I almost bought a cake pan by Wilton from Joann's and had it with me in line when I was checking out but it was $20 and I decided I could just use a cookie sheet since the layers were going to be thin anyway. I used an 11″ x 17″ cookie sheet and one cake recipe (of the one I linked above) makes one cookie sheet layer. I wanted three layers. There are 30 eggs [affiliate link] in the cake alone! So far I've made two batches of frosting and I'm going to need at least two more batches of frosting and maybe a third if I want to do any decorating!

Oh! And the cute pet rocks in the photo above are the ones I made to give out as party favors. 🙂

I'm also having a 50% off sale on all my e-books!

You could even buy all three of them – just place them in your cart and then use coupon code BIG5OH when you check out.

I'll be sure to post some photos of the party and in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful week!

50% off Sale

GAPS DIET JOURNEY is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AMAZON.COM. GAPS DIET JOURNEY is an affiliate for several companies and may be compensated through advertising and marketing channels. Therefore, this post may contain affiliate links.

8 thoughts on “50% off Sale on my eBooks to Celebrate my 50th Birthday!

  1. A very happy birthday to you, Starlene! I hope it is wonderful, and thank you so much for all your great ideas and inspiration!

  2. Thanks Sarah! It was a lot of fun, I am going to put up a post with some photos soon. 🙂

  3. Thank you Kristin for the birthday wishes and the very kind words. I’m glad to be of help. Best wishes, Starlene

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