Day 7 Last Day HealThy Mouth World Summit Preview

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HealThy Mouth World Summit

Today I listened to the three speakers and learned quite a bit. I've been posting some of the things that were interesting to me on my Facebook page. I really like Dr. Cate Shanahan, she shared her scientific based argument against flossing. Basically she was saying that you could be moving bacteria from one area of your mouth to another and stressed that you should not ram down the floss, and should use a different area for each tooth area. Dr. Mike Godfrey talked about the connection between cancer (particularly breast cancer) and oral health. Dr. Paul Rubin's talk was entitled “Is Your Dentist Mercury Safe”. I feel good knowing that the holistic dentist I've chosen seems to meet the criteria.

Listening to all this makes me very grateful that my children do not have amalgam fillings. My youngest son has only had one cavity and as a young child he was insistent on not having “that ugly silver stuff” in his mouth. Thank goodness as his cheapskate mother would have just had him get an amalgam had he not fussed so over it. My oldest has not had cavities.

By the way, I missed the first five days of this summit and there is an option to “upgrade” which will allow me to purchase all the materials and be able to review the previous days that I missed. There will be video and audio versions of each talk, as well as transcripts. If you are interested in this option, once you are logged in to the free seminar just look for the upgrade tab. This link is the free sign up.

Here is the line up for tomorrow:

Day 7 (January 19)

Dr. Julian Holmes

Dr Julian Holmes

author of Ozone: Revolution in Dentistry
“The Use of Ozone in Dentistry”

In his witty, British accent, world renowned expert, Dr Julian Holmes shows us how dentistry can change from doing dentistry like we lived in the 1800s to what he calls minimally invasive or micro dentistry. Dr Holmes shares with us how the use of ozone in dentistry completely revolutionizes the need for drill, fill and bill dentistry. Topics addressed include: REmineralizing filling materials!, the use of ozonated oils to address problem areas, and how we need to change our thinking around dentistry in order for the field to change. Very inspiring information!

Gray Graham

Gray Graham

author of Pottenger’s Prophecy
“Price, Pottenger and Epigenetics… This is Good News!”

Gray Graham delivers a fun, empowering explanation how each of us can dramatically shift our genetic expression. Drawing from his decades of experience supporting others in navigating to greater health and vitality, Gray brings together the work of Weston Price and Francis Pottenger to explain to us how the diet and lifestyle changes we make today impact not only our health, but the health of our grandchildren! Gray shares little known facts about Pottenger’s famous studies with cats. This is definitely good news!!!

Dr. Hal Huggins

Dr Hal Huggins

Yoda of biological dentistry, author of several books on the subject
“A view from above – What dentistry can look like in the future”

Dr Hal Huggins bats last in the HealThy Mouth World Summit! Get ready to see through the eyes of a person who helps coach people how to heal themselves from auto immune diseases including multiple sclerosis, lupus, parkinson’s and arthritis. In this awesome interview, Dr Huggins helps us see through his eyes what dentistry can look like and how the dental profession can be a fundamental component in creating optimal health. Dissecting the customary separation of medical professions, some of the questions Dr Huggins addresses are: Tools currently available to drastically increase the healing benefits of removing mercury fillings, why the order in which a dentist addresses oral health is crucial, the fundamental role of testing blood chemistry to determine our ‘Ancestral Diet’ and so much more. Dr Huggins also shares with us the MOST important factor to create positive change in our oral health!! Be sure to come be inspired by Yoda of biological dentistry!

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