D346 Staying On My GAPS Diet During The Holidays

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Well, the holidays are past approaching. My youngest son claims he is cooking a traditional meal with all the carbohydrates that I no longer eat. At least I don't have to prepare them. I am definitely making myself some faux-tatoes with lots of butter, and I will also be having butternut squash. I am going to figure out how to make pumpkin [affiliate link] pie that I can eat, and I am going to have an almond flour [affiliate link] crust. Hopefully it won't bother my thumbs too bad.

Speaking of my thumbs, they are still not 100% healed. I don't know if they will become totally healed but I keep hoping. The right thumb knuckle burns at times, as if I scalded it with hot water. It is also enlarged and swollen. I am continuing to take my glucosamine but it doesn't seem to be doing much better than when I first started using it. I don't want to increase to a higher dosage. I was taking 4 capsules daily, and then went to six. I'm thinking I may drop back down to 4 again.

Last week was difficult for me. I didn't post because I was depressed and lost in a funk, fearful for our country. Even Dr. Mercola sent out a letter telling us to Get Ready for Higher Food Prices Due to Falling Economy. In a nutshell, Dr. Mercola said the best thing we can do is continue to work on our health. Another blog I read said if you are overweight, lose the weight. Okay, so I'm doing that. At least I'm doing one positive thing.

I am feeling better today. I went shopping at Savers again over the weekend. My hubby went with me. I was looking for a pair of jeans as the pair I'd been wearing was getting faded looking. I found a pair that looks brand new for $3.99.

Size 12. Thank goodness for stretch jeans. I tried a pair of “regular” jeans that were size 12 and couldn't get them buttoned.

I think the nuts I was consuming were adding a lot of calories and keeping me from losing weight. I'm anxious to see if I can continue with my fruit fast (cheated for several days in a row eating bananas, grapes and strawberries – not huge amounts, but hey, it's not a “fast” if you eat them, right?) for the rest of this month and see if I have some weight loss.

It's sure hard to not totally get sucked into the “I”m such a good person 'cause I'm losing weight.” People at work keep calling me “skinny” and I just think it's funny, since I'm not skinny wearing size 12 and at 184 pounds. Not by a long shot. One of my coworkers said she hated me now, of course she was just joking.

But we'll see who hates who come December. All that party food. That I can't eat.

Oh, it's okay. I'll live through it. I really don't care that much for it. Especially since there are foods that I can make that are delicious and GAPS legal. There is only one big party that I have to get through. It is our staff potluck Secret Santa party. I think I already mentioned that I'm bringing GAPS legal chili and I am also going to bring some kind of almond flour baked good so that I'll have some dessert to have. They always have a vegetable tray, so there'll be that.

I would love to make myself some mayonnaise and turn it into a ranch dressing type dip for veggies. Maybe I should think about doing that.

I switched milking to the afternoons, so I don't have to get up quite so early. Not at 3:30am anyway. Now I just have to get up at 4am. I know. It's still early.

I hope you are doing well. Leave me a comment and let me know how you're doing, okay?

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2 thoughts on “D346 Staying On My GAPS Diet During The Holidays

  1. Hi Starlene,
    I’m glad you are still on the GAPS path, and feel stronger in resisting illegals (and even some legals like nuts and fruit that you know don’t agree with you.)
    I am 10.5 mnths on GAPS now, and have just had my period return after it being missing for 2 whole years! Hurray!

  2. Hi Natalia, what fantastic news! I hope you will continue to heal on GAPS; I know I am expecting to see more healing for myself as time goes by. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

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