Day 62 Survived a Social Event on GAPS Diet

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The days blur by. Today I had to leave home around 6:00 to go into town to attend a ceremony for one of my coworkers who became a United States citizen today! I am so proud of her and it was such an emotional event.

I had to work late yesterday so by the time I got home I just ate and went to bed.

Today I had my broth for breakfast, and brought almonds [affiliate link], two oranges and some of my Red Pepper and Cabbage Stroganoff left over from the other night. The event lasted for about three hours and I had almonds and a few sections of orange taking my coworker to her house so she could get her own vehicle. While there I ate my leftovers (cold).

Then we (my younger son and I) were invited to the luncheon they were having for my coworker. Well, of course there was all kinds of “delicious” SAD food there, like macaroni salad, deli sandwiches, soda, potato chips and a red, white and blue cake. Not even one thing there that I could eat and maintain GAPS.

However, I managed to do it. The ladies there were coaxing me and my son to eat but we just politely declined. My son, even though he is enjoying himself with eating only SAD foods, rarely eats at food gathering events.

It looked good, but I didn't touch one piece of anything.

Tomorrow I am working with my husband all day long and we have to leave at 6am. It is now 10:17, so that means I am only going to get about 6 hours sleep. Maybe I can sleep on the way there. This is going to be a rough weekend on me.

My breathing is not going good at all. I am having to use my Albuterol three times each day. Unfortunately, the new canister contains ethanol, which I know is GMO corn.

I am not sure what to do. I am distressed by my breathing not being “right”.

I was thinking of telling my doctor that I want to stay off the corticosteroids for six months and just use Albuterol, and what is the difference between being on Albuterol and using it every day, or using the Flovent every day?

I should have spent time tonight getting food together for tomorrow but I got sidetracked on the computer.

How are you doing on your GAPS journey?

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2 thoughts on “Day 62 Survived a Social Event on GAPS Diet

  1. I’m sorry you are having such trouble with your breathing.
    My GAPS journey is going quite well. I am incoorporating Bee’s Candida Plan in to it as well and it’s been a great help. Although I do not have Candida, her diet is very well planned and similar to GAPS. I have learnt that the body ‘re-traces’ illness, symptoms, mental patterns etc. once it’s getting the nutrients it needs to recover. So maybe you are re-tracing your breathing problems? Just a thought..
    Natalia 🙂

  2. Hi Natalia, it sounds like you are making some great progress! I have heard about the re-tracing, so I will keep that in mind. I have also heard about Bee, I will check out her site again. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

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