Day 98 Intro Day 10 – Day 5 of Stage 4

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So tired tonight. Only got six hours of sleep last night. Had to go places today… went to my sister's… it always surprises me how far our philosophies are from each other when we used to be so close. For example, I'm pretty sure she did not use a microwave at one point in time… but she does now. I didn't have one for years, but then backslid and used one, but now we don't have one. She is very heavily into not eating any animals fats, she told me she trims the fat from the chicken breast and buys the leanest hamburger that she can.

Anyway… we are on polar opposites when it comes to nutrition, it seems. I guess my sister has my niece on some 3 hour diet. She had a book in her bathroom on it, and apparently you get to eat whatever you want, you just make sure you eat every three hours. I did that for years, and all it got me was weight gain. Maybe since my sister has my niece on a low fat diet is causing the weight loss that she is experiencing. But I believe that a low fat diet is very detrimental to our bodies. I ate half of my cabbage and hamburger that I'd brought with me while at my sister's house. Her first grand baby is very cute. I also brought butternut squash and peanut butter [affiliate link] pancakes with me, and finished those off before the wedding.

The wedding was nice. Funny how they are never as special as your own. The reception was to begin at 2pm at a location about 30 minutes away from where the wedding was performed, but the bride and groom did not arrive until 3:15pm. I left right about 3:30pm when they were starting to eat. I saw that they had some fresh vegetables, but I'm not that far in intro, and I was sure the rest of the food wouldn't be allowed.

I had planned to then go to my friend's house to take photos of her belly, but she canceled. It was just as well as I was very tired by that point.

Dinner was chicken legs baked in the oven, slathered with coconut oil [affiliate link] and parsley [affiliate link] flakes and celery salt. I think the celery salt is not allowed on GAPS, and may have been a breach, but I was too tired to think about it and my son made dinner, which was a blessing. I steamed some asparagus and had coconut oil on that. I was careful to take my HCI with Betain today when I ate. I took two tablets each time. I guess tomorrow I will try three tablets.

Now it is 9:15pm and I must get into bed.

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