Beyond Grain & Dairy

Review and Giveaway for Beyond Grain & Dairy at Delicious Obsessions

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My friend Jessica at Delicious Obsessions has put together a lovely review about my e-book Beyond Grain & Dairy. Two e-books are being given away AND two gift certificates for $25 to Tropical Traditions. Go over and enter for your chance to win! Giveaway is live now through to March 1st.

Beyond Grain & Dairy

GAPS DIET JOURNEY is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AMAZON.COM. GAPS DIET JOURNEY is an affiliate for several companies and may be compensated through advertising and marketing channels. Therefore, this post may contain affiliate links.

2 thoughts on “Review and Giveaway for Beyond Grain & Dairy at Delicious Obsessions

  1. I like having pictures of every recipe. The coconut flour sandwich bread looks so good. I’ve been looking for a bread recipe.

  2. Thank you Cathy! I love pictures of the recipes, too. My boss told me that is the main way she decides to try a recipe, if there is a photo or not. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

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