Cold Thermogenesis by Dr. Jack Kruse – Wordless Wednesday

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Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

Cold Thermogenesis Leptin Rx

After my face has warmed up a couple of minutes it turns bright pink
After my face has warmed up a couple of minutes it turns bright pink

GAPS DIET JOURNEY is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to AMAZON.COM. GAPS DIET JOURNEY is an affiliate for several companies and may be compensated through advertising and marketing channels. Therefore, this post may contain affiliate links.

4 thoughts on “Cold Thermogenesis by Dr. Jack Kruse – Wordless Wednesday

  1. Wow, This looks brave, Starlene. I take a cold shower, that is it. I’m thinking of starting with my face in ice water Fryday. Me bea it also hlps against my wrinkles; I hope.


  2. Thanks for sharing! I’ve just started dunking myself as well. 🙂 Can you share where you got the skin thermometer? I’ve been looking for one. Thanks!

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