Fresh Brown Eggs

Perfect Scrambled Eggs – How to Make Them

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It is super simple to make perfectly scrambled eggs [affiliate link]. There are just a few little secrets you want to follow and you'll have soft, fluffy eggs every time.

Fresh Brown Eggs

Start with some fresh brown eggs… ideally from your girls out in the yard…

Rhode Island Red hens

Crack the eggs into a bowl.

Three Farm Fresh Eggs

Scramble using a whisk. Or you may use a hand mixer, an immersion blender or your Magic Bullet.

I have all these kitchen helpers, but this morning I chose to use my whisk. Did you know that whisking back and forth works just as well as going round and round?

Eggs Scrambled

For each egg, add one teaspoon of butter to a clean skillet. You may also use bacon grease, coconut oil [affiliate link] or any other healthy fat (but not olive oil as it should not be heated). Also, I point out that the skillet should be clean because while cooking eggs in a skillet in which you previously prepared bacon will be delicious, you may find the eggs will brown from the drippings left in the skillet.

For three eggs I added one tablespoon of butter and heated on medium heat until the butter was hot and bubbling.

Butter Heated in Skillet Until Bubbling

Don't wait too long or the butter will start to brown or burn. Pour in the scrambled eggs and immediately using a spatula begin to scrape the eggs from the bottom of the skillet in long strokes. Do this continuously, scraping and turning the eggs until they are completely done.

Once done, remove from the skillet immediately. If you spoon the eggs back into the bowl in which you scrambled them, the small amount of raw egg left in the bowl will be cooked with the heat of the just scrambled eggs.

Perfectly Scrambled Eggs

Your pan should look similar to this when the eggs are removed. Put water into the skillet immediately to facilitate the cleaning process.

The Skillet After Making the Scrambled Eggs

And there you have it, beautiful, fluffy scrambled eggs.

Perfectly Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Please leave me a comment and let me know, how do you like YOUR eggs?


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10 thoughts on “Perfect Scrambled Eggs – How to Make Them

  1. If you can have cream, mix a bit of cream in with the eggs before cooking. Cream doesn’t make watery eggs like using milk does. Mixing chopped herbs – parsley, chives, etc. – through the eggs is really good.

  2. Tas’, hey I know you! 🙂 Cream isn’t allowed on GAPS, but one could make yogurt using cream. (Too bad I don’t tolerate milk products!) I don’t think I’ve done herbs either, and will have to try those that you recommend. I do enjoy bell peppers, mushrooms, onions and summer squash in my scrambled eggs. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Tas’. How are you and the family?

  3. Hi Heba, oh yummmmm… sunny side up has always been my favorite, although unfortunately the egg white made me gag. It’s the warm runny yolk with just a sprinkle of salt. I would say it tastes like sunshine! Since doing GAPS my palate has changed and I can now actually eat egg whites. But, the other part of that, since I’m doing GAPS, is that none of my old favorites work for dipping into the egg yolks! Toasted sourdough bread, english muffins, hash browns, notice the theme? LOL. I am going over to check out your Pinterest board on eggs. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Terri Jo, yes those are some of my girls. I didn’t have any green eggs that morning but I also have some Americaunas. They are gorgeous. 🙂

  5. I like mine with some spinach and cottage cheese scrambled in there. Fry up the spinach in butter, then add a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese (on low), then the eggs. That tea towel is so cute!

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