I'll admit right off the bat. I had FIVE of these. Yes, five. I have been doing the leptin reset for seven weeks and I had a really great day with energy on the 10th and I thought, “FINALLY! Yes! I am starting to round the corner and my body is responding and I'm finally gaining energy!” Well, of course the instant I feel like I have some energy and motivation I end up overdoing it. My husband wanted to do some rearranging in our bedroom and I felt like helping. I ended up working several hours. I felt totally fine, and was thrilled to be doing something, having energy enough to do something other than sitting at the computer. Well, the next two days I was wiped out physically and I had to go in to work two Fridays in a row, and then my sleep starting getting interrupted again and I had a weepy day at work where I cried when I got to work and when I was going home. That was Tuesday and my adrenals got quite a workout and ever since I have been caught in a vicious cycle of not getting enough sleep, waking up in the middle of the night for hours, feeling crummy in the daytime. I started reading Mastering Leptin and have made it through most of the book, and it seems to be something that can happen when you get out of your normal patterns. I'm hoping I'll get back on track soon here.
Dr. Natasha was sure right when she said our healing can be two steps forward one step backward.
I have been pleased with my experience on the leptin reset. Dr. Kruse says to stay under 25 grams carbs if you are thirty pounds overweight and I've done that most days. I have also gotten to the point where I'm not hungry at all at lunch so I have been eating only breakfast and dinner for about the past ten days now.
When I have to go to work on Fridays then I only have two days to recuperate and I think it really takes a toll on me. Then not sleeping well for several days in a row and yesterday I was in bed most of the day, and ditto for today. I was in bed for so long that my back started aching so I reluctantly forced myself to get up and at least sit at the computer.
I don't know why but today I have felt not only tired but weepy. I sat in the living room talking to my husband and it occurred to me that I really wanted some chocolate chip cookies. I thought they would help me feel much better. Crazy, huh?
The day went by and I decided I was going to make some cookies. And I was going to have some.
I knew Elana Amsterdam had some lovely chocolate chip cookies at her blog, Elana's Pantry, so I decided to make a batch. I modified her recipe just slightly, substituting honey [affiliate link] for her agave, and cutting down on the honey to only 1/3 cup (still TOO sweet, if I make them again I will try 1/4 cup and may even try using only two tablespoons) and subbing butter for the grapeseed oil. I know you are dying to know what I used for the chocolate chips… I cheated. I admit it. I used Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate chips. I know. Pure poison and I have absolutely no business eating them. A much better choice would have been these: Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips, Gluten, Dairy & Soy Free. The ingredients listed are: Evaporated Cane Juice; Chocolate Liquor; Non-Dairy Cocoa Butter.
Let's pretend I used the “good” chocolate chips. 🙂
I was really surprised and delighted to see how much these cookies flattened out! Next time I'll know to place them a little farther apart from each other. And the best surprise of all, my non-GAPS son LOVED these cookies. He told me I should be sure to tell my blog readers about this amazing occurrence. Next I'll see what my husband thinks of them and maybe he'll eat them up so I won't have to. 🙂
These cookies were very delicious. Five cookies contained 616 calories, 13 grams protein, 48 grams fat, and 42 grams carbohydrates. For someone trying to stay under 25 grams carbohydrates, I failed royally. My total carbs for the day were 59. I think that number is actually considered “low carb” so I'm not going to worry about it. I plan to go up to 60 grams carbohydrates per day on January 1st anyway.
So the question remains: Did I feel better after eating these cookies? To be honest, not really. Although they were a very delicious treat. But I didn't feel any worse. 🙂 I am hoping my sleep isn't too badly affected, as carbs in the evening have in the past made me wake during the night. We'll see. Thankfully tomorrow is Christmas Day so I will be able to sleep in or take a couple naps if I so choose.
I'm not sure what we'll be eating Christmas Day as I'm not feeling so hot… I feel certain that 2012 is going be my best year in a long time, and I'm looking forward to it.
Let's make a pact right now: 2012 is the year we will make great gains in our health! Are you with me?
8 thoughts on “Chocolate Chip Cookies (Review of Elana’s Pantry Recipe)”