Coconut Cream with Chocolate Syrup

Coconut Cream Chocolate Whipped Topping

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Yesterday I told you about the cookies I've been making my sugar-addict husband. He says they are good, but he likes them best with the whipped topping I've been making for him to go along with the cookies. One night I made bigger cookies, about two inches in diameter and plopped some of this topping onto each and topped with another cookie to make cookie sandwiches. He said these would work best to be open-faced as when you bite down on the two cookies the whipped topping squishes out. I think if you froze the cookie sandwich until it was hard then it would work out okday.

I made a video to show you how the coconut cream [affiliate link] whips up just like whipped topping.

Please be sure to turn down your speakers first because the sound of the mixer is somewhat shrill and loud, especially when I turn it up to the higher speed.

This recipe is super simple.

First I put the can of Natural Value coconut milk [affiliate link] in the refrigerator for several hours so that the fat can rise and separate from the coconut water.

This recent batch I bought through Azure Standard was super fat, nearly the entire can was filled with coconut cream. Awesome.

Natural Value Full Fat Coconut Milk

Natural Value Full Fat Coconut Milk

Chocolate Syrup Made with Cocoa Powder, Butter and Honey

Chocolate Syrup Made with Cocoa Powder, Butter and Honey

Coconut Cream with Chocolate Syrup

Coconut Cream Whipped Topping

Coconut Cream Chocolate Whipped Topping

  • 1 cup coconut cream harvested from a can or two of coconut milk
  • 2 Tablespoons honey [affiliate link]
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder

Mix the honey, butter and cocoa powder [affiliate link] together. Ideally everything is at room temperature so that it turns into something that looks very much like chocolate syrup.

Remove the coconut cream from the can of coconut milk, place in a bowl. Make sure the chocolate syrup concoction is not warm or it will melt the coconut cream. Whip with a mixer and it will turn fluffy pretty quickly. Chill when done.

As you can see from the small skillet in the photo I had to heat up the honey and the butter. The honey had crystallized and the butter had just recently been taken from the freezer.

I did actually partake and have one cookie, and one tablespoon of the whipped topping and came in at exactly 25 grams carbs for the leptin reset.

Let me know if you try this, I thought it was very tasty!

Recipe: Coconut Cream Chocolate Whipped Topping
Recipe type: Dessert
  • 1 cup coconut cream harvested from a can or two of coconut milk
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder
  1. Mix the honey, butter and cocoa powder together. Ideally everything is at room temperature so that it turns into something that looks very much like chocolate syrup.
  2. Remove the coconut cream from the can of coconut milk, place in a bowl.
  3. Make sure the chocolate syrup concoction is not warm or it will melt the coconut cream.
  4. Whip with a mixer and it will turn fluffy pretty quickly.
  5. Chill when done.



If you love desserts like this, I have two cookbooks you really need to check out ASAP! Naturally Sweetened Treats for gluten-free dessert needs and Baker’s Dozen Volume 4, Chocolate Treats for amazing chocolate desserts and snacks.

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