Folks are always tweaking GAPS, there are anti-candida versions and lower carb versions, dairy-free versions and still others where people avoid oxalates or other foods that they can't tolerate yet.
Why not a Leptin reset GAPS version? 🙂  Dr. Kruse suggests following a paleolithic type diet, foods of which are included on the full GAPS list. I commented on one of Dr. Kruse's posts detailing all my “issues” and he suggested I just try the leptin reset as soon as possible and don't worry about all the minor details. It reminded me a lot of Dr. Natasha. Just do the diet and things will fall into place.
There are a few differences that I see right away. For one thing, leptin reset says eat within 30 minutes of rising while Dr. Natasha says we shouldn't eat before 10am as our body is detoxing… but I've not been able to follow that admonition since my day starts so early and I have never been able to wait that long to eat. Not that I'm a big breakfast person, but I usually have something pretty early in the morning. The Leptin reset requires the following:
- 50 grams protein and plenty of fat at breakfast
- Eat breakfast as early as possible from rising (within 30 minutes)
- Follow a paleo or primal style diet
- Less than 25 grams carbs daily for overweight persons
- No snacking – ever again
- 3 meals a day initially, but adapt to two ultimately (four meals allowed if needed with adrenal fatigue)
- Do not work out before or after breakfast
- Allow 4-5 hours in between meals and sleep time
- If you incorporate working out, only do it after 5pm
- Last meal of the day before 7pm
I'm not sure if I can do this or not… but I'm seriously considering it. I will still include GAPS basics, like broth and ferments, but this would at least it would be something to try in the interim while I can't get the prescription I think that I need.
To tell you the truth, when Dr. Kruse commented back and said just do the reset ASAP I felt such relief. Hope that this might work, relief that if it does work I can stop fighting to take medication <!!>, that is so not me! Relief that I can stop feeling like I'm a hypochondriac. I have never been like this and I don't like it! But I am so worn out I have to do something. On the other hand, I truly don't want to get my hopes up that this will work and I won't need to take medication. It would be nice if that would be the case though, wouldn't it? I just don't want to get disappointed. I told my mom how I felt and she could relate, asking me if I knew how many books she's bought over the years, thinking this would be THE ANSWER? LOL! Human nature, I guess. But at least we're willing to make the commitment to do something to try and get better.
I'm already ahead of the game since I eat fairly clean – meaning – I don't eat SAD. This won't be a huge leap for me. I think it might take some advance preparation… for example, I may need to start cooking enough at dinner for not only my lunch, but also breakfast. Having those extra two hours a day that I'm taking vacation time for should help.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Have you any thoughts about the Leptin reset? Would you be interested in trying it with me? I think it is going to be a bit like doing Introduction… any takers?
11 thoughts on “Dr. Jack Kruse Leptin Reset Protocol GAPS-Style”