Day 507 Another Round of Intro Stage 4 Day 10

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I still haven't done the olive oil drizzling… and I didn't get the almond bread made either.

I did roast two chickens this morning, and stripped the meat from the bones and started making another batch of stock, I ran out yesterday. 

I worked from home today, and had a good productive day. I finished one project that I have been trying to get done for a while, and also got the next payroll run prepped to print out checks while at work tomorrow.

I'm very tired today… I was awake at 4am and started work at 5am and then ended up working until about 3:30. I usually only do my regular eight hours when I work from home. I guess having Monday and Tuesday off was a nice break.

We have some weird throat thing going on. My oldest son says his throat hurts and he is coughing some and also clearing his throat a lot. He is asking for broth which he says makes his throat feel soothed! I am glad he is feeling like the broth is helping him to feel better.

My husband also has this weird throat thing going on. It's like there is a buildup of mucous or something in the throat, but, at least for me, there is no sore throat. My throat just doesn't feel “right” if you know what I mean.

It looks like I will have an easy time with dinner tonight, considering that I have baked chicken ready to be eaten. I just need to cut up some vegetables and strain out the broth and get another pot of soup going.

I am definitely taking a detox bath tonight, and am hoping to get to bed early. Like maybe be in bed by 7pm?! That would be wonderfully luxurious. I did take another little walk early this morning and also collected seven eggs [affiliate link] from the hens. Only brown eggs, no green eggs. We have seven new Americauana hens, so we should be getting green eggs here soon.

Well, if I am going to meet all my goals for this evening, I guess I had better shut down this computer.

I am excited that I only have to go in to work on day this week and then I'm off work again until next week. Especially if I'm able to get a good night's sleep tonight.

I will try to remember to drizzle olive oil on my food tonight, and then maybe I will make the almond bread on Friday. And then maybe move to Stage 5 here pretty soon.

Until we meet again! To infinity and beyond! 🙂

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