D493 Another Round of Intro Stage 3 Day 3

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This is going to be quick.

I was still bummed out today, but I started to feel better toward the end of the day.

I had hoped to leave work right on time, but had to work half an hour later than I'd planned, and then I had to pick up some items we had processed at a printshop. I got home right around 5:20.

I had to wash two sinkloads of dishes. Did I ever mention I need a maid? LOL.

Anyway, I started some pork chops in the oven for my husband and son, and am going to toss them a salad.

For me I pulled out all the chicken stock I could find in the freezer and put it into a big pot to make some soup. Found four chicken thighs, put those in the pot along with a red onion, some broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms. I think that's all legal!! I ran out and gave my garden some water, just enough to tide it over until tomorrow or Friday. I've got Swiss chard, collard greens, two lettuce, and three new baby squash plants out there. The gopher is methodically eating everything one by one. He's already eaten all but two of the lettuce. I hate the gopher.

And now I have to run, but I wanted to thank everyone who is reading along with me and Baden and the others who are blogging about intro in April (Baden links to each one individually on that post).

Tomorrow is my Friday, so thank goodness for that. Now if I can just get to bed by 8:30 I think I'll feel better tomorrow. I wish I was getting into bed at 7pm, but that's how the cookie crumbles, or should I say, that's how the soup boils.

Hugs to all,



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