Autism Improvement on Video

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Just a quick post today. I was preparing one for Valentine's Day, to share the meal I made, but I guess that will have to wait, at least I won't be getting it finished tonight.

One of my GAPS friends sent me the link to this post where a momma shared several videos of her son who has been diagnosed with autism… videos last year, and one from just a few days ago with just four weeks of GAPS Introduction. Amazing, miraculous, beautiful.

What a gentle little boy, how precious and how wonderful that his parents are helping him heal with the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet.

SAHMVille: Autism Improvement on Video

GAPS is not an easy path to take, and many parents will not even consider it. This makes me very sad; especially when I see and hear of children being healed with GAPS.

I also found over the weekend that Dr. NCM has a Frequently Asked Questions page on her blog. I believe this is new, at least it is new to me. I do recall hearing on the GAPShelp list some months ago that a list with questions was being gathered to ask Dr. NCM. I see that has happened, and she has answered many questions that people have wondered about.

One question I still wonder about is the baking soda [affiliate link] question. She says to use bicarbonate of soda in this Q&A page, but it is supposed to be illegal. So I wonder if it is still illegal when used in baked goods. Especially if the amount is very minute, like 1/4 teaspoon in a recipe. I'm surprised that question didn't come up. Hmmmm… maybe it has been addressed in the new updated version of the GAPS book.

Now hop over and meet Sam!

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