Day 304 – It’s Too Early To Know For Sure, But I Think It’s Helping

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What's helping, you ask?

Going off fruit. Yes. Five days into my fruit fast, I am feeling a difference in my mood. I woke up feeling much lighter this morning. I got eight hours of sleep, so I'm sure that helped a lot. But the dark mood that I've been feeling for the last month or so seems to have lifted.

I am interested to see how I feel on the coming weekend. Will I have more energy? I hope so, everything is going to heck in a handbag around here! I stopped making my bed, I've stopped folding my clothes, my room is in disarray, it's so obvious for me having had some energy to see what happens when my energy level drops.

I actually did have one small piece of fruit today… one of the volunteers at my job walked by me with this little white paper bag. I asked her what she had, and she asked me if I like figs? I LOVE figs. She gave me a small one about the size of a walnut. She said she had helped to pick figs in California visiting some friends for the weekend. I didn't even think about the fact that I was on a fruit fast, until I ate the last bite. It was a purple fig, with a reddish color inside. Very delicious and tasty.

Now sometimes when a person falls off the diet, they figure just go all out for the rest of the day, but I was good and stopped at the one fig.

One of my snacks at work sometimes is to walk to the convenience store on the corner and get a bag of walnuts [affiliate link], a bottle of Perrier and a banana. By the way, Perrier is not GAPS legal to my knowledge. It is one of my periodic cheats. How bad can water be? The carbonation is not good for the digestive system, apparently. Anyway, there were the bananas. They sell them for twenty cents each. And some of them had pretty brown spots. Perfectly ripe and the way we're supposed to eat bananas on GAPS. A bite of banana, and a bite of cashews are so delicious together.

But I didn't buy the banana. I didn't let it tempt me. I just ate the cashews and drank my Perrier.

Lunch was leftover roast, spinach, onions [affiliate link] and carrots from last week. I brought Wednesday's dinner leftovers to work last Thursday – I brought twice as much as I usually eat – on purpose, because I knew I'd be staying late for the evening event. But I never did make it back to the kitchen. I was a little nervous about eating food that was so many days old, but it had been refrigerated well and tasted just fine.

Dinner tonight was hamburger patties with sauteed bell peppers and onions, and steamed spinach. Oh my goodness, so delicious. I had enough left over to take to lunch tomorrow.

I was thinking today, it is going to be interesting to see how I do during the holidays.

I know one thing… it is such a wonderful feeling to not overfill my stomach like I used to. I have probably said this before, but I think what used to happen is the food would bloat up in my stomach after half an hour or so. Maybe I would have eaten a small enough portion to not feel stuffed, but then after the food bloated up I felt miserable.

The other night, when my son had his birthday party food, that would have been one of those nights when I would have pigged out on the sub sandwiches, pizza and ice cream cake. I would have eaten too much, and felt miserable afterwards, and would have been asking myself why was I doing that to myself. It's so nice to not have to feel that way.

Here's to a better day tomorrow! How are you doing on your GAPS journey?

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2 thoughts on “Day 304 – It’s Too Early To Know For Sure, But I Think It’s Helping

  1. I’m glad to see you are feeling a difference without fruit. We recently tried bananas again and they made the inside of my mouth inflamed and sore. They definitely contain corn from being gassed with ethylene. It makes me wonder if everyone would do better with fruit if there was no GMO corn involved. I know that if you are eating a diet without additives, it makes you hyper-sensitive to them. So many people on GAPS have trouble with fruit – it may just be that it’s almost impossible to find fruit that isn’t corny in one way or another.

    I was also happy to read that you are feeling a little relief in your thumbs. If glucosamine works, you may need to eat more tallow and cod liver oil (good for joints). Are you getting any of those? I am struggling to remember cod liver oil myself. It’s hard to add something into the routine but my doctor said my vitamin D levels are really low. He wants me to take D3 drops but I think they’re probably corny so I decided to add the cod liver oil back in. I need to try to get more sun, too.

  2. Hi KC: Bummer on the bananas affecting you so negatively. I’m sorry. They are so delicious. Maybe that IS why I’m having problems with them is the corn aspect. Oh, the corn issue scares me so much more than going GAPS. 🙁 The key word on my thumbs relief is “little”. I am still having to learn how to lift things, open jars, etc. I have always prided myself on being able to lift heavy boxes and put them on shelves higher than my head but not with my thumbs and wrists being weird. You are probably right about the cod liver oil, and I haven’t been getting broth again!!! I think if I would crack down on myself and start having broth every single day especially if it is good and gelatinous I would really see improvement. And I do have cod liver oil, but keep forgetting to take it. I am going to try to remember to take my CLO every morning with the glucosamine chondroitin. It is just so hard to remember to take vitamins! I hate it! It is still hot here in Arizona. Yesterday was a little bit cooler, it only got up to around 80°F but today it was over 90°F and I was uncomfortable on my ride home. My air conditioning in my car broke over a month ago. I was just telling my mom today, maybe THAT is one more factor I hadn’t considered my being tired in the last month. I think it is hard on the adrenals to tolerate heat and it was a very hot September for us, more than normal.

    I will be so happy when it cools down. Then I will CRAVE soup and broth and hot baths. I am curious to see if I’ll feel better. I think I’ve forgotten to mention in my daily reports that I happen to be tolerating the heat much better than in previous years. That must mean something – I think that my adrenals are doing better, but still they don’t like intense heat. Uh, I think I’m blathering. I gotta get to bed. Thanks for commenting!! Did you get to try any almond flour baked goods yet?

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