Well, actually it was Monday, but I forgot to say anything about it.
Today I received two compliments at work. I wore that new top my hubby bought me last month and the fit was the tiniest bit snug, a bit more snug than I usually wear my tops. Even so, it looked very becoming on me, and it fit better than it did last month.
And get this – my son with Down Syndrome said this to me when I walked out my bedroom this morning – totally cracked me up, “Wow Mom, you hot!” 🙂 Now I'm sure he's heard that on cartoons or some television show, but it was just funny to hear him say that to me, his mom.
Hubby had a light day at work today so he made dinner. He did such a good job that I had to take a photo. He told me to be certain that I gave him the credit. Yes, dear! 🙂
He baked chicken breasts (in the bone), sauteed baby portobello mushrooms and steamed carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. I added the slice of onion, slices of avocado and Cortido sauerkraut. It was a very delicious, nourishing and satisfying meal. That's my plate. I was thinking it seems like a lot, but I've been feeling extra hungry lately. Hungry for protein especially.
So I've been thinking more about my feeling tired. I really wish I wouldn't do things like this… meaning, go on vacation which could have worn me out, and stop taking my asthma medication, which could have the effect of making me feel tired since my adrenals aren't getting that little shot of corticosteroid. You know, doing two things at once so that I can't tell which one or is it both things that are causing me to feel more tired than usual.
I was looking at Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson to see which supplements support the adrenals, and one very important one is Vitamin C. Dr. Wilson say to take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance and then back down by 250mg and that is the level you should stay at. So I'm going to buy this Ascorbic Acid Powder with Bioflavonoids Powder that was suggested on the GAPS list.
By the way, please have a good understanding of GAPS under your belt before you read Adrenal Fatigue and then glean knowledge from the book on the hows and whys of adrenal fatigue. I do not recommend that you follow his diet, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride does not advocate supplements (at least during introduction) because the gut cannot digest them so it is not worth the money to spend on them. I read Adrenal Fatigue before learning about GAPS and have been going through it again and somewhat appalled that my sister is now finally reading the book and taking heed of some of the recommendations and I'm like NOOOOOOOO!!! Don't do that!! Read GAPS first!!!
Anyway… I'll have to remember to tell you more on my thoughts about my asthma, the medication, Vitamin C, and adrenal fatigue, but not tonight. It's already after 7pm and I must get to bed early tonight. I had a very hard time getting up this morning, so I need to get to sleep on time tonight.
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