Day 191 – Cheating, Not Legal

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So today I worked from home and I felt tired and was having a hard time concentrating.

Finally, I just had to have something, so I decided to act on a whim and make myself a smoothie.

I used some ingredients that are not GAPS legal. Here is a link to what I made. The coconut milk [affiliate link] was canned, and contained illegal ingredient guar gum (which causes me to have phlegm in my throat), and I used cocoa powder, which is also not GAPS legal although it does not seem to have any adverse effects on me.

I started out with almost one cup of coconut milk which would have increased the calories significantly as that is what I felt worst about the cheating, was the additional calories which I would not have had if I'd not made the smoothie. I ended up measuring out 1/2 cup and saving the other 1/2 cup.

I also felt some distress that I have been off fruit for over a month, and here I was eating a banana.

For the record, the small treat I made for myself contained 467 calories. That seems like a very large amount of calories. Although I am not counting calories, when I first started GAPS I was having a lot more “treats” and I think that may have caused me to keep weight on initially.

I seem to be deeply immersed in “diet head” today.

I was talking to my mom about it, and she said, “I know you'll go back to it [eating GAPS], it's helped you too much.”

When she said that, I realized that I hadn't gone off GAPS at all. I had in fact, not embarked on a diet-induced binging frenzy.

I know that is a common thing for people to do when dieting, to “fall off the wagon” and then go nuts for the rest of the day, eating anything and everything. I myself have experienced this guilt in the past when I was on a low fat diet. I would feel horrible, and think, “May as well party for the rest of the day and start over tomorrow.”

But I didn't do that. I just had my little treat and that was that.

I actually felt satisfied and was able to concentrate much better and focus on what I was doing, and didn't feel hungry for several hours.

I'm not sure what happened. I mean, I don't think I'm nutritionally deficient, although bananas do contain potassium and I did just read recently from Fiber Menace that low carbohydrate diets tend to be low in potassium. But, now don't quote me, I think he said to drink cucumber juice (juiced from fresh cucumbers). He didn't say make a cocoa banana smoothie. 😉

Remember I mentioned putting kefir in my bath last night? Well, I did it. I actually had two cups of raw goat's milk leftover from yesterday, and I put the two cups (or so) of kefir in that milk for the day. Then in the evening, I added the quart to lukewarm bathwater. It actually made some bubbles in the water, and was nice to be in. I really liked it. I soaked for a while and it seems like my skin felt very smooth and silky afterward.

I didn't want to take a hot bath, because I figured the bacteria in the kefir would be killed if it was too hot.

The Fiber Menace guy says it is hard to digest protein and we should only eat protein once a day, in the evening. So I kind of got that in my head and I've been eating vegetables for breakfast and lunch for the past couple of weekends.

Tonight I made hamburger burros for my husband, and I had some of the hamburger with cooked bell peppers and squash. It was fairly tasty and I have enough for lunch tomorrow.

Yesterday I ate two huge artichokes all my myself. According to Fiber Menace, if you have gas it is because of fiber fermenting. I had gas throughout the night (not painful or anything) so that makes me think artichokes are higher in fiber than the foods I have been eating.

Jumbled thoughts tonight. I'm feeling tired. I wish I could have taken a nap today. I am really loving seeing my bed made instead of just being a jumbled mess of covers (I wonder how long this phase will last). But I will get to bed soon so that should help me tolerate tomorrow.

My cheat wasn't too terrible, but it was deliberate and I enjoyed it. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. I don't think it will be. But I have already decided that I'm making an almond flour [affiliate link] chocolate cake for my husband on Father's Day.

I can't wait for my new bedding to arrive.

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. 🙂

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