I felt like I had more energy today. I got more accomplished and didn't feel like I was spinning my wheels. I didn't sleep well last night, but surprisingly didn't feel the need to take a nap. I think it's the liver. I'm going to try to eat at least 1/4 cup of the mixture I made every day and see if I feel any different.
For dinner on Thursday night we had roast beef, faux-tatoes and cauli-beef-broth gravy and I made my Pumpkin Pie Carrots. And… I decided to have butter. The ghee has caused a bit of phlegm in my throat, so I figured the butter would do the same, but I decided to try it anyway. I put butter in the carrots, butter in the faux-tatoes and butter on my roast. The butter caused me to have quite a bit of phlegm. Drat. I told my husband even though we have our older son off all dairy, he is still having butter and that could be causing him to need to clear his throat and feel like spitting so often.
Last night I didn't sleep very well. If my theory is correct about my insomnia, it usually occurs when I've had too many sugars with dinner (the carrots). My son woke me up when he got home (at 10pm – he'd just gotten home from Bible study) to ask me if I could make sure he was up by 3:45am (so he would be able to make it on time for his Friday volunteer job). I told him I'd set my phone to go off at 3:45 and text him, and if he was awake, just text me back and let me know, otherwise, I'd get up and wake him up.
I was able to get back to sleep at 10, but woke hungry around midnight.
I had some of my spicy liver pate with apple slices, hoping that would be enough so that I could get back to sleep. This waking up hungry is not unique or new to doing GAPS, it started in my twenties. I learned if I wake up hungry, eat something and I can usually go back to sleep.
After the protein with apple (probably the apple wasn't the best choice, sugars/carb) I had a hard time getting back to sleep. I awoke again at 4am, hungry.
I scrambled myself two eggs [affiliate link] and mashed up half a zucchini squash that I'd steamed the other night. Went back to bed, and still couldn't get to sleep very easily. Finally I got up and started my day at 6:30.
Then at my next meal, I decided to have eggplant. I don't recall that I've had eggplant since before starting Intro in March. I just don't do too good at following the rule to add new foods slowly… so I made an entire eggplant and ate the whole thing.
My stomach felt a little weird after that. But it wasn't hurting.
I can't remember what I had next, I think I had a banana somewhere in there.
For dinner we had leftover roast beef, I had mine made into a salad with two small heads of green and red leaf lettuce from my garden with olive oil and coconut vinegar.
I was hungry again at 10pm and had two eggs scrambled with about half a cup of peas and one whole previously steamed zucchini. I feel much better and I need to go to bed.
I have decided that I can weigh myself tomorrow. I am only going to let myself get on the scale once a month, and I weighed myself last on April 5th, but I already told myself I could find out tomorrow, so tomorrow it is.
I also have decided if I have gained weight, I am going to cut back on fruits and possibly nuts.
I am also in the mood for pancakes, and am thinking about having those for breakfast tomorrow morning. And I also want to try a green smoothie using some of the Swiss Chard from my garden.
I also need to decide what I'm going to order from the food coop.
Tomorrow I also need to make another batch or two of sauerkraut, I think I want to make more than a quart this time. I don't have any carrots, and onions [affiliate link] are sooooo expensive that I will probably just make plain sauerkraut even though my Cortido is getting really down to the bottom.
Also – last winter crop (Dec 2008-Mar 2009) I grew bok choy. It grew very easily, much faster and easier than regular cabbage. My boss told me bok choy is chinese cabbage. So this coming fall, I am planting bok choy! And then I want to try fermenting it! Apparently it would then be Kimchi. I have a pretty large bag of seeds that I harvested from all the bok choy that came up. I have never grown it before, and I also grew kale for the first time. My younger son loves kale and it turns out he doesn't like fresh from the garden kale because it doesn't have that awful taste like it does from the grocery store. I thought the kale was the bok shoy, and vice versa! Boy did I feel stupid about that! I'm supposed to be a gardener!
I must flee to my soft and cozy bed now.
Hugs to all!