I ended up staying home from work today.
My sinuses were so clogged on Sunday night, and all day Monday that I decided to use some of my prescription nasal spray, which I think affected me in that I was unable to sleep. Usually when I have insomnia, I get to sleep 5 or so hours and then I can't sleep. But it felt like the entire night. I just couldn't imagine going to work and trying to function, so I stayed home.
I had another bad dream about my oldest losing his teeth. I keep having these horrible dreams where his teeth are just gone. This time, it was like two teeth just broke off and a third one was gray with cavities. So that always makes me worry a lot more about him when I have a bad dream. I guess that is the old superstitious religious upbringing that I had, in where we were told that dreams are prophetic.
Which for the record, I no longer believe. But the bad dreams about teeth falling out upset me. I kind of wished I could just take it easy all day long, but instead I spent time with my boy and helped him do a cleaning on his room, and then we flossed and brushed his teeth together. He's had a cracked lip for the past week or so and I haven't wanted to floss his teeth for fear of making his lip worse. We've been putting Burt's Bees lip whatever it's called on his lip, and coconut oil [affiliate link]. It is getting better.
Let's see… I made the strawberry shortcake, but I will post the review tomorrow [Strawberry Shortcake review here]. Very delicious, I must say.
I cooked three heads of cauliflower today, ate some of it with coconut oil and turned the rest into whipped cauliflower to add to soup to make it into stew.
I washed dishes and washed dishes, and did some cleaning in the kitchen.
Dinner was hamburger burros. Hubby wanted flour tortillas, he said he doesn't want to get all crazy with his diet. I had really hoped he would continue to stay off grains and gluten to see if his feet would stop hurting. It's okay. Maybe one day.
I had half a head of iceberg lettuce with taco seasoned hamburger meat, and salsa. Delish!!
I am anxious to continue on GAPS. I just know I'm going to start having more energy eventually. I'm definitely in for the long haul, but I'd love to see some extra energy by the six month mark.
I feel a little bit weird that I dropped off of Intro… I don't feel I completed correctly. I'm still not sure what to do about that. I am introducing foods slowly to see if they affect me. Nothing really seems to affect me. Does that mean I'm just broke?
How's your GAPS journey going today?
It sounds like you spent a reasonable time on intro, but you can always go back to it when you feel like you need a refresher. When I start intro I have this crazy expectation that I’d like to stay on it for 6 months. I’ve been on a no honey/fruit/high carb veg “full” GAPS for 8 weeks now (with beef broth nearly every day). I’m waiting for my energy to come back. I’ve had chronic fatigue for about 4 years and I’m hoping GAPS helps me with this. So I love hearing when the experienced folks have their good days. It’s something I’m looking forward to. Have you tried beef broth? Chicken doesn’t seem to “heal” me as well as the beef, but I hear of a lot of GAPS people using chicken.
Keep up the great work! You’re doing fabulous things for your body!