Today is day 89 for being on GAPS. Days 1 through 88 I have been on full GAPS. No dairy, except for butter.
Today I started Introduction. I don't really think I have serious digestive problems, so I could probably get by with doing Stage 1 for only one day. I think I might give myself one more day on Stage 1.
Last weekend I made stock using five chickens, in my new 16 quart stock pot, in preparation to begin Intro today. I ended up with 33 cups of stock. I put three cups of stock into quart Ziploc freezer bags.
This week I upped my broth (stock) for breakfast from 1 cup to two cups. Two cups seems to last me longer.
I had my two cups of broth on the way to work as normal. For food for the day, I brought 2 more cups of broth, leftover steamed asparagus and broccoli, and two chicken legs and thighs (boiled last weekend, and frozen).
I ate cold asparagus when I started feeling hungry around 10:30 (I sipped on my broth between 6:10 and 6:30am). For lunch I warmed up my two cups of broth (I finally got over my worries about my boss getting annoyed with me for using the stove to heat my food), chopped up broccoli, and pieces of chicken from the thigh/chicken legs. Plenty of sea salt [affiliate link], and there was some fat in the broth. It was good enough. Satisfying. I am missing butter, big time.
For dinner I'm boiling some beef, with red bell pepper, and onion. I've steamed some green beans. I thawed a bag of stock. I didn't want to boil the beef in the stock so as to not release glutamates, but I was thinking about putting the cooked beef and veggies into the broth. I think raw garlic is okay, maybe I'll add a clove in to the mix. And plenty of salt.
I never thought I would miss eggs [affiliate link] so much. And avocados.
I could start on Stage 2 tomorrow… I don't know yet what I'll do. I am planning to try and take it easy tomorrow, sleep whenever I feel like it.
OH, I never got a chance to blog about this, but on Monday night I had a scratchy throat. My son said it sounded like what he'd had, so I stayed home from work on Tuesday and ended up sleeping most of the day. I took a vinegar detox bath in the morning, and an epsom salts detox bath in the afternoon. I took echinachea and Vitamin C (almost sure this contained “illegal” ingredients). I had to go to work on Wednesday, and was tired because I didn't sleep too well the night before (not hardly having slept most of the previous day!). My throat still felt weird, but it never got any worse.
So I don't know if this is a good sign? Did my body fight off an infection? Or is my immune system just not working?
I was VERY hungry on Tuesday. I had to keep eating every couple hours.
That's all for now.
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