Day 81 Sleep Issues and Gearing up for Intro

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Had a weird thing happen this morning. I had trouble sleeping during the night. I actually took a late nap yesterday afternoon so that may have had something to do with it. Anyway, I went to bed at 8:30 and laid there at least half an hour until I fell asleep. I remember thinking at least I'm not conking out as soon as my head hits the pillow. Then I woke up at 1:30 and could not go back to sleep. Finally I got up and there was nothing to eat that was simple to grab, so I warmed up some vegetables and broth leftover from making 2 batches of stock over the weekend. I put an egg yolk in the warm broth.

I ate that and went back to bed, and laid there unable to sleep. I hate when this happens.

I think what may have caused it is I had butternut squash for dinner. It was soooo delicious. Two small squash, baked, then blended with a bit of honey [affiliate link] and butter. So yummy.

Anyway, so I finally had to get up at 4am. I was famished. I sauteed some mushrooms in a skillet with butter and scrambled two eggs [affiliate link]. I also heated up a cup of chicken broth. I ate the eggs (was so delicious and I was so hungry). I drank half my cup of broth and thought about stopping, but also thought how it would be silly to bring one half cup of broth with me on my drive. So I drank it.

I stood up to go get ready for work and suddenly became very nauseous. I rarely get nausea and only when I'm sick. I thought maybe I could lay down to ward off the feeling, but it grew stronger and the next thing I knew I was running for the toilet.

I had to shower and leave for work soon after. My stomach was sensitive and I took water with apple cider vinegar in it with me for the drive. I ended up eating a banana and some raw almonds [affiliate link] a few hours later and skipped lunch.

Dinner was baked chicken breast and zucchini squash.

I'm gearing up to start Introduction on March 4th. I am going to start while at work on Thursday, drinking broth at work and eating boiled meats and vegetables. I am hoping to get a start on the weekend. I may also consider taking off Monday… yes, I think I'll do that. Then hopefully I will be able to come back to work on Tuesday and be over the worst of it.

I also want to order some enzymes and some probiotics. I just need to hurry and get that done! Especially since summer is on its way and it is probably a bad idea to order products like that to travel in the summer heat here.

I have been tired lately. I tried to go to church on Sunday, but was filled with anxiety much of Saturday. I just don't know why but I want to just stay home. I don't want to have to leave and go anywhere on my days off. I miss a few people from church, but not enough to leave my house.

I have to leave enough days of the week as it is.

Sorry to my readers for the long time without an update. It's just that nothing of much interest has been happening. I did find out Louisiana hot sauce has only vinegar, peppers and salt. I hope that is all it contains because I have been using it liberally. It is delicious and I love it on my meat.

I had better get to bed. It is almost eight o'clock and I am very tired tonight.

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