I was wondering when I would start feeling better and having more energy. I guess I'd hoped to see results from doing full GAPS within a couple of weeks. It has been an ongoing complaint for years that I'm tired and worn out. Many, many emails to friend have ended with me saying I'm just exhausted and have to go to bed. So much to the point where I am sure people got sick of hearing how tired I was. It got so bad that I had to give up doing any grocery shopping and thank God my husband was willing to take on that task.
But after this weekend, and not having to take extra naps, I realized something, which made perfect sense! I would need to be feeling good enough throughout the day, day after day, without naps, before my energy levels would increase. I mean, that doesn't make a lot of sense, to need a two hour nap, after having slept for 8-9 hours straight through at night, to expect to be bursting with energy.
I remember when I started GAPS, I was even tireder than normal. I remember some weekends I was taking 3 to 5 hours naps, instead of the customary 2 hour naps, and this was when I was able to sleep 9 hours the previous night!
I believe sleeping is very healing to our bodies, and if we need to sleep 8 or 9 hours, we should make a point to get to bed early so that our bodies can get the sleep they need. I have had people over the years make fun of me because I was “only” able to sleep 7 hours a night. They acted like I was a wimp, because they regularly only sleep 6 or less hours a night! They also drank several pots of coffee [affiliate link] a day, which I could never do (more than 4 ounces at a time would make me shaky and nervous).
Having more energy is one of my prime objectives for remaining focused on doing GAPS, and it is one of the reasons why I am finding myself anxious to begin the Introduction diet.
I am looking forward to giving my body even more of a break, and jump start on healing.