Not a lot to report. I can't believe it's been 50 days.
I have been needing to use my Albuterol (rescue inhaler) at least once every 24 hours, one day I needed it every 12 hours. I asked on the GAPShelp list for some input on asthma and GAPS. During off list conversation it came up that maybe I'm not drinking enough water.
I have never worried too much about drinking “enough” water, have just gone by thirst. It's easy in the summer to get enough water, but in the winter I just don't drink very much at all.
I took a “how well is your asthma managed” test at the Advair website and I scored a 21. It says my asthma is well managed. Okay. That sounds good. My asthma/allergy specialist wants to see me in February. I am apprehensive. He might not like this new “plan”. I would love to stay off the corticosteroid. I am afraid it might mean going off butter.
Also, a list member shared that Albuterol probably has a GMO corn additive or something in it that could cause problems.
For breakfast ES and I had scrambled eggs [affiliate link] with onions [affiliate link], bell peppers and zucchini, along with almond flour [affiliate link] pancakes. I don't think I ate lunch, I just snacked on the leftover eggs and pancakes. Dinner was grilled chicken breast, asparagus (oh dear is asparagus allowed?) and a salad with Avocado Mayo Dressing. I love that dressing and the magic of how it emulsifies.
I had some sauerkraut with breakfast. I notice my asthma kicks up a bit after eating sauerkraut.
Today was stressful. I had to get W2s and 1099s done. What a hassle when you don't have a professional accounting program to do the printing for you. I won't go into detail but suffice it to say it was stressful.
Speaking of stressful… I told my son I'm going to try to go to church next Sunday. I don't think I've been this year at all. Then I found out next Sunday is our congregational family dinner together. They usually order from this one chicken place. It's one of the places that does roast chicken.
I don't want anyone to know I'm on a diet! Especially not my church brothers and sisters. My son says we can just say we have to leave before eating. That's the whole point of the meal, to eat together as a family.
I am tired and must go to bed. I feel like I'm flailing with the diet. I'm not getting my broth every day, I forget my cod liver oil which isn't even the right kind. It's the old style Blue Ice, not the fermented. And I soaked liver in lemon juice and garlic planning to make it today but never got it made.
I guess that's okay. I'll have it tomorrow.
I just need to get more organized.
Oh. My husband noticed me eating store bought pickles. I don't know why it didn't occur to me they might not be legal. I guess I thought “vegetable” “fermented” must be safe. Not.
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