Day 48

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Today our Internet was out nearly all day long. I managed to get to my Gmail account once but wasn't able to send anything because the connection was so intermittent.

I think I am addicted to the Internet. In spite of having no Internet connection, I still managed to get nothing done. I guess not having an Internet connection doesn't mean my energy levels are going to spike. 😉

Today I was also neglectful of feeding myself – meaning I kept waiting too long to feed myself. I woke at 4am and had some broth that my husband had warmed (he is a very early riser) but went back to bed around 5am and slept until 7:30am. I was hungry by that time, but didn't eat right away. I finally forced myself to stop trying to figure out why we had no Internet and had Zucchini Scrambled Eggs.

My water kefir was finally done on Wednesday, and I changed out the grains into a fresh jar of water and this time only 2 tablespoons of sugar to the three cups of water. My grains have grown from the 1/4 cup I received by mail. It took 10 or 11 days for the water kefir to be ready to my liking – I didn't want to be getting white sugar so I waited until it did not taste sweet. Then I did a second ferment with an orange cut up. This is the first time I've made water kefir that I actually liked it. I have had to keep myself from drinking it throughout the day.

For dinner YS made omelets with green chilies and homemade salsa and black olives. The green chilies were canned as were the black olives, as well as the tomatoes in the salsa. So some breaches.

I feel disgusted with myself because I feel like I got nothing done today. This getting nothing done has got to stop.

I guess I'm having some feelings of annoyance tonight. Mostly annoyed with myself. Now I'm wondering if the canned items are attributing to my black mood. My boss gave me some organic coconut milk [affiliate link] which contained guar gum and I thought what could it hurt? I had a Banana Dream Smoothie made with two frozen bananas and ate too much. It was a nerve wracking day altogether.

I am feeling annoyed also that I'm not yet miraculously healed from asthma. (That is somewhat tongue in cheek – I realize this isn't a miracle healing diet). I am needing to use the Albuterol once a day, sometimes every other day. I think though it is better to use Albuterol than the corticosteroid, Flovent.

I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.

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