I missed updating for a couple of days, and it is by sheer will that I'm here tonight. I'm okay, just tired. And I'm still on full GAPS.
Yesterday and today were difficult for me, food-wise, in that the lunch served was very tempting. Yesterday moreso than today, as Pioneer Woman's Chicken Spaghetti was on the menu. It smelled heavenly.
I wanted some so badly. I thought to myself how it is one of my most favorite dishes in the world.
But then you know what? I realized that wasn't the truth. Especially when cooked in industrial-sized portions. The spaghetti tends to soak up the moisture and it dries out and the chicken usually has a “day old” taste to it which I really dislike.
Also making the situation difficult was that I had some difficulty with food to bring for lunch. I just wasn't well prepared this week. Usually there is enough meat left over from dinner to bring some for lunch the next day but there hasn't been. So yesterday I had only salad for lunch. On the way home I was very hungry, so when I stopped to fill up my vehicle with gasoline, I also bought myself a bag of cashews. They were not raw. They didn't have a raw nut in the place. Traditionally, fruit on an empty stomach is not good for me – only serves to make my blood sugar lower, so I didn't consider buying an apple.
The things I used to deem appropriately healthy are no longer options. I used to get a few slices of deli meat when I was hungry, or I'd buy a couple of cheese sticks. No longer. Now I'm reduced to nuts. Thank God I can tolerate them on an empty stomach.
Although today while at the grocery store, having had little meat for the last two days, I was feeling quite famished, I bought myself a rotisserie chicken. I'm not eating organic foods (wish I were) so thankfully that was something I could have to eat. It smelled divine, and was fairly tasty. When I got back to work I took out my butter and slathered some on and then it was even better.
Hubby made dinner as he was home today. It was a very windy and rainy day, and it is said we are having a tornado watch! I have never heard of Arizona having a tornado watch in my entire life. Dinner was chicken soup with veggies.
I tried an experiment with almond flour [affiliate link] and failed. I'll tell you about it another time.
Hubby did a test last night. He had hamburger burros again, this time the only seasoning to the meat was salt and pepper, and fresh onions [affiliate link] and garlic. He had four white flour tortillas, and did not have bathroom troubles this morning. He wanted to do another test tonight and eat peppers, but he realized he has a job to go to tomorrow so he will test another time. It seems even bell peppers give him troubles. Poor guy, we have eaten HOT peppers all our lives, he misses them I'm sure.
But now I must get to bed so I can get my beauty sleep.