I feel happy this morning! Not necessarily full of energy, but happy. Maybe it is because it is the New Year! I don't even know what we are having for dinner tonight, but I hope we will have our bonfire tonight that I have been looking forward to. Good think I don't really like S'mores all that much! 🙂
Hubby made soup before I got up at 10am. I had that for breakfast, mostly broth. I was on the computer for a couple hours, then around 1:30 went out to see what dh was up to. Then I remembered I should water my garden. And then to my dismay I saw the gopher had dug several holes all around in my garden bed. This bed had chicken wire laid under it about 3 years ago. When I dug down to see where the hole was at, I discovered the chicken wire is really in a mess down there, all broken in places and rusted out. I hope the rust isn't bad for the vegetables growing in there!
I decided to transplant EVERYTHING (which consisted of: lettuce, beets, swiss chard, carrots, cabbage, and spinach) to another bed. A bed that was just underlaid with chicken wire last year, so hopefully the gopher won't be able to get in the bed and eat the vegetables. I hadn't meant to go out there and work the garden. I had actually been feeling hungry but couldn't find or think of anything to make for myself. I worked for about an hour to an hour and a half.
I harvested some beets, there were three golf ball sized ones, and a few quarter sized. I also harvested spinach, and some swiss chard. I washed those and steamed them to go with dinner.
Dh ground beef for himself and made fried burgers. I think he went without eating all day. He seemed a little short. When he cooks dinner for himself, he likes to have just meat. He's usually too hungry to do vegetables, I guess. I suggested that he have some of the sauerkraut with his burgers and he got himself some.
I'd thawed out some chicken breast. YS cut that up and grilled it.
So dinner for me tonight was radish sauerkraut, grilled chicken breast, beets, and greens.
Also, in the little turquoise bowl is a few of the apple and pear slices that I fried up using the recipe I mentioned yesterday.
I cooked an apple and a pear. YS says he loved the pears and is planning to make more for himself. He also totally LOVES the fermented radishes. He has eaten at least a cup's worth today.
Hubby also likes the fermented radishes. I tested the Cortido today, I think it will be done tomorrow. It tasted somewhat sour today, but I think will be better tomorrow.